True Detective: After You've Gone (2014)
Season 1, Episode 7
2 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Another excellent episode which has very nicely opened the way for the finale. That chilling ending was no less goosebump inducing than the first time I watched it. In fact, probably more so now that I'm not as dumb as I was when I first watched. That man that nobody paid any mind. The detective's curse, which was talked about earlier on in the season but certainly not about this. The camera pan to reveal his scarred lower face was majestic. It was nice seeing a somewhat new dynamic between Rust and Marty. It seems like between 2002-2010, Rust just gave in entirely to his programming. In a way he's more mature in 2012 than he was at any point before, like he's accepted that this is the hand he's been dealt and he'll have to make do. Marty, in a rather sad scene is shown to be a loner with basically no life, but it's hard to feel sorry for the guy. Rust doesn't have much of a life either, outside of his rather obsessive private investigative work. Speaking of which, THAT scene was haunting. I like the fact that it didn't show much of what was happening on that tape because that accentuates the horror of it. However bad it is is however dark our imagination can go. Scary thought. The whole conspiracy has been expertly written throughout, and the kind of supernatural element to it is definitely present. Like the old woman who seemed to go mad at the mere mention of Carcosa. She mentions "him who eats time", and Rust at one point notes while driving that "nothing grows in the right direction". A previous mention of growth is his time and death analogy, meaning that it's like this place is immune to time. These monsters have terrorised a great number of people over a great number of years, and the show captures that perfectly

High 8
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