4 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For the most part, this was a good episode. It's definitely been getting gradually weirder. I'm really loving Agent Cooper, he's a great, smart, and very funny character. The scene where he uses the rocks to determine the suspects was great and just different. I like this show so far because it's just different, even if it is 30 years old. And then, of course, we have the dream sequence. It's David Lynch so I won't even begin to try to understand it, but it was brilliant either way. The lighting throughout this episode was really great, especially in that deep red room. I'll never know how Lynch is able to come up with this stuff, but it was captivating, and exactly the reason I wanted to watch this show. I have no idea where we go from here, but I'm definitely looking forward to how this pans out, especially seeing as Cooper seemingly now knows who the killer is

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