Not the Fun Kind of Bad
7 September 2020
Look, I watch a lot of horror movies with low budgets, concepts outside of their skill set, actors that can't really pull off what they're tasked to do, and there's usually at the very least a tiny grain of something great.

This is not that. 80% of the dialogue is questions, and stupid questions at that. It's as if they knew they couldn't build tension with their plot so they just inserted a bunch of fake paranoia and questions to hopefully create it out of nothing.

The set is great, or I think it is but you can see basically none of it. The special effects are almost non-existent. The camera work and editing is basic and flat.

The characters? There are no characters. There were never characters. No one is likable, no one is worth rooting for, and none of them are so unpleasant that you enjoy the possibility of them dying.

And the plot and its twist? Eh.

Sometimes a horror movie has, at the very least, a feel that it was so well loved by its creators that they just had to share. This doesn't have that, and because of how utterly terrible it is without that feeling of love this just feels like I was cheated out of time.
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