Disingenuous and manipulative
10 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Some people think, "Aw, how heartwarming. He didn't succeed in contacting aliens but he managed to find his gay love in the middle of nowhere." But that was 27 years ago in 1993, so why tell his story now? His partner doesn't even look pleased to be on camera. And is his story really worth bringing up again? The notion that just because he's gay and found a partner justifies a documentary is patronising to gay people.

This man is delusional if he thought he could contact aliens. Humans have been transmitting signals into space long before he was even born. And the very first radiowaves from 100 years ago are barely just reaching the second closest star in our galaxy. If there's extraterrestrial life out there, they would receive his broadcasts long after he is gone from this planet. The truth is that he hasn't done anything worthwhile with his life. This would have been clear if the documentary was any more than skin deep.
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