Talent Scout (1937)
Another supposedly behind the scenes picture about a country girl becoming a big-time actress.
12 September 2020
"Talent Scout" is a B-movie from Warner Brothers. A B was a film intended as a second and cheaper movie in a double-feature. Many today think this means B-pictures were bad...this is not necessarily the case. Some Bs were terrific despite shorter run-times and lower budgets and lesser actors. Is "Talent Scout" a good B?

A fast-talking talent scout, Steve Stewart (Donald Woods), is having trouble finding good prospects for Apex Pictures. But when he sees and hears Mary (Jeanne Madden) singing in a small town, he's sure she'll make it in pictures and brings her to Hollywood. Unfortunately, her initial impression is poor and the studio passes on offering her a contract. But after singing at a local nightclub, her future is secure...as she's discovered by the boss' boss who immediately signs her. Is everything happily ever after now? Well, there are some hickups...including Steve AND a famous actor falling for her!

There is some irony to this film, as Jeanne Madden never did become a star....making just this and two other pictures. I can understand why, as her style of singing is not most folks' taste nor did she have the looks or screen presence of a star. I am sure she was a nice person in real life...but here she just seems a bit unconvincing as a vivacious big-time actress.

Despite this problem the film is quite watchable and a decent time-passer. Donald Woods comes off a bit better...and he did have a pretty substantial career. Worth seeing and clever at times...but also not much more than a film that pleases...just not too much.
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