Review of Part 2

Twin Peaks: Part 2 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 2
13 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well at least this episode had a lot of Cooper. Still, though, I wasn't a fan at all. Some parts of this episode were flat out bad. The scenes in the Dark Lodge started out quite well actually, and I was definitely hooked. But then it got strange, I mean even for David Lynch. It lost me with the strange electric tree. From there, it just became an absolute mess, with some really really bad cgi. If I'm honest, watching the sequence of Coop leaving the Dark Lodge (if that's even what happened?) made me think that Lynch was at best doing things for the sake of it, and at worst just running out of ideas. Still, I like the overall idea that Bob Coop had to return for normal Coop to leave. Bob Coop features a really good performance with Kyle MacLachlan having to play a completely different character to normal Coop was great to watch. However, that was just about one of the only positives to this episode. When music was played, it was pretty good (I especially liked the performance at the end) and of course the camerawork and direction was excellent (except for the strange non-existence parts). Old characters came back gradually but right now they're not exactly doing much. I'm sure they will be. All in all it's been an exceedingly slow start but I'm still confident that it will get rolling very soon

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