Like an echo of FLCL, it's lost clarity in the reproduction
13 September 2020
Where the original FLCL was something you either loved or hated, "Progressive" is a like an echo of the original.

While trying to reproduce and capture the original feel (and fans) of FLCL, "Progressive" fails, making it feel even more "less than" which is a shame considering the story, though a trope filled mess, has some originality and enjoyable points.

Taken on its own it's an interesting watch, but most will feel disappointed if they were expecting a true continuation of the joy and insanity found in the original.

  • English Dubbing.
  • "Some" of the art is higher quality, making it feel newer.
  • Enjoyable and unusual story.

  • It's not FLCL, don't get your hopes up.
  • Art quality dips at times.
  • Much is the story is predicable.
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