The F.B.I.: The Intermediary (1968)
Season 4, Episode 10
The smartest of these three is still kind of stupid!
14 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Monty Markham stars as a very smart crook who is the leader of a gang which manages to steal $3,000,000 worth of jewels. He's figured out most every angle and seems pretty smart...but not when it comes to the gang's weakest link (Burr DeBenning). Sure, the young guy is NOT reliable...but the boss manages to do everything he can to make the situation worse. As for the third criminal, well, he's kind of stuck in the middle.

Instead of breaking up the collection of gems, the boss has decided that they'll ransom it for $1,250,000 back to the jewelry store. But this means SOMEONE must go with the crooks and examine the collection...and Erskine volunteers for this dangerous job. But things go awry and soon one of the crooks is more than ready to kill the Inspector.

When I saw Erskine volunteer to go undercover, I immediately thought "what if the crooks recognize him??". Well, this same plot problem was used in other cop shows, such as when Steve McGarrett (the most famous cop in all of Hawaii) went undercover in a couple episodes. Fortunately, instead of ruining the episode, one DOES recognize him...adding a new dimension to the story and keeping the episode worth your time.
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