Erotica foe teenagers
14 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I saw a film was on release, no idea what is was. Just booked my seat and turned up. I know i wss late and guessed i maybe missed the opening credits and maybe another 5 minutes ie 10 minutes. I sat down opened my water and started watching. I found myself trying to work out the back story, Tessa had just turned up at the office to start her job, she connected with a young guy who knew her ex boyfriend, wh apoarently worked for the same company. She was next seen waking up after falling asleep overnight at her desk. The boss was friends with the mysterious boyfriends mother. The boyfriend is seen getting a tattoo with no pain killer. A drunken club night where our lead is commando results in a phone call and a bedroom farce. As i watched the film more and more plot was thrown at me, causing confusion. The young actors were fine in their roles though fiennes come across as too namby pampy to be a rebel, it was good to see a chunky actress as the leading actress, made a change. It was only after i got home to read up the film, i discovered the film is a sequel to the first film After (2019) which as far as im aware never came to a cineworld near me. Cut a long story short all the stuff i missed was actuallly in the first film. Makes sense to see that first. To sum up its Two Moon Junction for 14 year olds with no nudity, it could have been a TV movie without the F words. Its enjoyable hokum.
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