My Australian colleagues - I feel your pain
17 September 2020
In this Retribution for wanting to watch something decent we've got the "problem" of some nutter shooting random people with war weapons & splattering them all over Melbourne, with reactive vigilante groups comprised of nasty, vicious, armed white men (the only remaining racial profile you can openly vilify without consequences), and this Jane Halifax forensic psychologist lady, who, from the start has this problem licked, colluding with a State willing to negate civil rights & humane treatment of suspects, whilst advocating public facial recognition. An' all this "despite" her lackadaisical, uniformed male "helpers", who are Alcoholics, Neanderthals, Dullards, or a mixture of the 3. You couldn't make this stuff up! The difference between "Halifax Retribution" and "Band of Brothers", or "Saving Private Ryan" is that the latter 2 were fantastic Wartime Dramas and this one's not even War, but some Hegelian construct, put together with State money. Those liking this must be happy-go-lucky fans of superficial stuff, the establishment's "soma" for the masses. But sometimes you need to be conscious enough to look a little deeper.
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