Though I was only five, it seems like yesterday that I knocked over my . . .
17 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . glass of milk when I was reaching for the ketchup at Ted's Trailer after church one Sunday. As I saw my libation soaking into the kid's menu art challenge I'd just finished coloring during the seeming hours I'd waited for my burger, I must have begun to tear up. Why else would Dad remark, "There's no use crying over spilled milk"? The memory of this traumatic childhood ordeal came flooding back to me as I watched the Millionaire Gangster Mob's tips for others of their larcenous ilk in what would have been entitled their "Crime Pays" series, had modern Truth-in-Advertising Laws existed in the 1930's. THE PUBLIC PAYS shows would-be core supporters how to avoid getting caught while running the "Protection Racket." With primers such as this live-action short, it's small wonder that the perfidious base is now running such a scam to perfection during their pandemic to insure that THE PUBLIC PAYS.
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