Frankenstein (1931)
Classic horror with a long legacy
19 September 2020
The set design in "Frankenstein" really made the film more immersive and make a great contribution to the mood and story. The graveyard, for example, is dramatically lit, with crosses at different angles to make the composition more interesting. There is also a statue of Jesus juxtaposed with a statue of death which foreshadows how Dr. Frankenstein blurs the lines between life and death, and "plays god". His lab is also created in a dynamic way, and lighting is used to create dramatic shadows that add to the mood. The set of the lab also feels cramped and claustrophobic, which creates more tension. Windows and doors are also kind of prison/dungeon like, making the space feel more ominous. Lighting and set design elevate this film and make it more iconic and memorable. Paired with how dynamic Boris Karloff's performance was, the film brought Mary Shelley's vision to life, and has had a lasting impact on the horror genre.
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