Solid Effort - Not Your Average Haunted Doll Flick
21 September 2020
This is an ambitious little indie horror film. Largely a period piece, it attempts to tell the story of a recently widowed antique expert sent to authenticate a legendary cursed doll, and subsequently finds himself and his stepdaughter drawn into its web. This story, at its core, is nothing particularly new, but the film does attempt to do some rather interesting things within it. The film is extremely well-shot, the cinematography is beautiful and haunting. Acting is solid for the most part, especially the two leads. This is clearly an homage to old school British gothic horror, and it largely succeeds in that regard. There are a few sequences that I found genuinely creepy and intense, but where the movie really shines is the haunting atmosphere throughout and the gradual feeling of dread. This is slow burn psychological horror, many people will find it boring or uneventful, so keep that in mind. It is not for everyone. I think fans of Hammer horror will enjoy this, because it has that classic Victorian vibe.
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