Review of Time Trap

Time Trap (2017)
A solid premise, that chugged its way to a strong finish
26 September 2020
This could have had a better start if time was taken to develop the characters. It would have been a lot easier to be empathetic to their plight and be drawn in deeper as events unfolded. Nevertheless, given what the budget for this film was, I can understand why it was lacking in that respect. For the most part the acting was decent and the best actors seem to have smaller roles, Olivia Draguicevich who played Veeves a 13 yr old who exuded the confidence of a mature adult. Olivia delivered a nice performance. Max Wright was spectacular as Furby and I wish his character was featured more in this movie, because it would have brightened some of the less finer moments in this movie when you thought it might get bogged down by a weak script that created some unrealistic reactions to what was happening at that moment. I can't say more without being a "spoiler" so I will just say that I liked this one a lot. I liked the fresh and unique approach to this Sci-Fi genre. The FX was exceptional for a movie of such a low budget. Definitely worth watching.
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