i wasn't expecting that ending. huge flaw.
26 September 2020
First of all, the performance , direction n written well, not bad at all. the movie is nice and not boring. but there are some major flaws in the END which ruined the movie.

the story plot is kinda not NEW , there are some similar movies (foreign n English) with same plot. that husband is sterile and wife want to have child. and then things get complicated when wife got pregnant. But here in this movie, wife got pregnant though but she dead too. and then husband is looking or searching for real father and wanna know why she did that? .. now major is flaw here is that there is NOT much scenes or flash backs of wife /husband relationship or wife's lover scenes. even there are no scenes of conversations between dead wife n husband. which i think its a major flaw.

another major flaw which ruined the movie in ending that , once he found out then there is no explaining or aftermath of dead wife's deeds. even there are some few scenes of dead wife having flirtatious behaviour with multiple guys which complicate the movie but she did cheat with and why him? there is no explanation.

the only understanding in this movie that WIFE want to get pregnant. thats it.
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