Doctor Who: The Savages: Episode 1 (1966)
Season 3, Episode 38
The Savages!
30 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The TARDIS has arrived on a far-distant and seemingly idyllic world. Yet the Doctor, Steven and Dodo learn it hides a terrible secret: the apparently civilised Elders maintain their advanced society by draining and transferring to themselves the life-force of the defenceless Savages.

Outraged at this exploitation, the Doctor is seemingly helpless to prevent it when some of his own life-force is tapped by the Elders' leader. In the process, however, the leader, Jano, also acquires some of the Doctor's attitudes and conscience. Turning against his own people, he enlists the Savages to destroy the Elders' transference laboratory - a task with which the time travellers gladly assist.

Steven agrees to remain behind on the planet to become the leader of the newly united Elders and Savages.

Review of four parts -

The plot is very hard to follow, well unless you read the plot bunch of times until you understand the plot. like what I started doing right now. The Companion Departure was great, there's nothing to say about this episode, I don't know. "My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined." But oh boy, I can't wait to watch The War Machines, perhaps Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D., and especially The Tenth Planet... We're near the end...

Steven wasn't a memorable companion for me, it's hard to explain why, he just didn't get some of that "great companion vibe" even Dodo too. I'm absolutely fine with Ben and Polly, they're so memorable.

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