Bottom: Apocalypse (1991)
Season 1, Episode 4
I struggled with this one
30 September 2020
Richie inherits some money and he takes Eddie to the fair on a spending spree.

I am fan of the series, but not this particular episode. In total, I laughed at two of Richie's lines and one sight-gag where Eddie puts a pellet gun to good use on a fair stall.

To me Richie is more annoying than funny in the opening scenes. Things pick up a bit at the fair, but then comes a hospital scene with some gross-out slapstick moments that I absolutely hated. The remainder of the plot unfolds back at the flat with a few scenes that, aside from Eddie on the piano which works quite well, are mildly funny at best.

As always humour is a matter of taste, so it might be funnier to someone else, but I struggled to get through it.
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