Doctor Who: The War Machines: Episode 1 (1966)
Season 3, Episode 42
"You know there's something alien about that tower! I can sense it."
3 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The TARDIS arrives in London in 1966 and the First Doctor and Dodo visit the Post Office Tower. There they meet Professor Brett, whose revolutionary new computer WOTAN can actually think for itself and is shortly to be linked up to other major computers around the world - a project overseen by civil servant Sir Charles Summer.

It transpires, however, that WOTAN considers humans to be inferior and believes they should be ruled by machines. Exerting a hypnotic influence, it arranges the construction of War Machines - heavily-armed, self-contained mobile computers - with which to take over the world.

These prove more than a match for troops, but by establishing a magnetic force field the Doctor is able to capture one of them, which he then reprograms to destroy WOTAN. Dodo, now back in her own time, decides to remain on Earth. The Doctor enters the TARDIS alone, but Brett's secretary Polly and her merchant seaman friend Ben Jackson follow him inside just before it dematerialises.

Review of four parts -

Damn, I have no words. It's either me or I'm losing my spirit in reviewing episodes which makes me write short reviews. It was fun seeing Ben and Polly, I see them as very memorable companions, I didn't like Dodo that much... My favorite scene was when the Doctor was facing the War Machine, perhaps it's one of those 'I am the Doctor' moments which I love.

I assume that this story is the first story that takes place in the modern-day, it did well, loved the idea of A.I. turning against us but in some different way. This story had vibes of Third Doctor episodes, the military also had UNIT vibes. The theme was also great, it was terrifying and so atmospheric.

The War Machines themselves were iconic, they should maybe bring back the War Machines, I wish they did more in this episode, like for an example, scenes where one single War Machine destroying everything. I think that's all.

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