The Walking Dead: A Certain Doom (2020)
Season 10, Episode 16
The anticipated season 10 finale is here and it didn't disappoint, a superb conclusion to The Whisperer arc
5 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A Certain Doom takes place directly after the previous episode that came out in the 5th of April, in that time I took the opportunity to re-watch the show once again. The previous episode was a build up that ended with Aaron and Alden held at gunpoint by the Whisperers, The Tower under attack by Beta and finally Eugene and his group of people on bicycles to get to the meeting with Stephanie.

A Certain Doom is suspenseful from start to finish and filled with moments that fans of the show and graphic novel will enjoy. I was sitting on the edge of my seat the whole time, except for when we followed Eugene but the arc with The Whisperers was incredible. The Tower is the group's strategic stronghold where they'll make their stand against the horde of walkers and The Whisperer. In some episodes the characters make some really stupid plans or a character thinks of doing something that will mess it up, but that isn't the case here. The plan was well thought out and well written plans makes it much more entertaining for us viewers as we get to see the characters we love really be the strong survivors they are. The episode has some great horror in it as well, the musical score plays a big part in that horror. It felt like the horror from season 1 that we love There were lots of memorable scenes in this episode and many good performances, there were nothing mind blowing as there were so many across and characters to follow but the actors that I really stood out was: Ryan Hurst, Norman Reedus, Melissa McBride and Cassady McClincy. Their performances was my favorites of this episode. The return of Maggie Rhee was also nice, it wasn't a great performance as she was just there and didn't say much but Maggie is back and it made me happy after all that intense and suspense.

Greg Nicotero directed this season finale, like he usually does and this have to be one of the best episodes he have directed and I could see him in the director chair for the Rick Grimes movies. His direction plus the script was amazing, perfect even, Corey Reed nailed the writing of this episode. Greg Nicotero is also head of the makeup and special effects department and I can say that there are some stunning and terrific zombies in this episode, how they keep making completely original zombies blows my mind every time. There were also some incredible cinematography in this episode, the camera work and the beautiful scenery made for some great looking shots. As I were watching I could just understand how much this episode mattered to everyone, 10 seasons of TWD and now we're waiting for the final one.

I want to talk about Beta and his demise, I found it really fitting and he couldn't have gotten a better death than that. Ryan Hurst, the actor who played Beta totally nailed the performance of this fan favorite character, actually making it better than the comic version of the character. The change from a well known football player to a well known country singer made much more sense. It was a brutal death, but it was beautiful in a way. Maybe thanks to the direction and editing, but it was a beautiful ending for the character. Let's talk about one of the last scenes of the episode, seeing Connie alive but that Virgil was on a horse next to her, will he grab and kidnap her? So many questions, I can't wait! I also want to comment on the cliffhanger ending, I wasn't surprised as that would have been the perfect way to end the season, and it reminded me of the season 4 finale. The guards of Commonwealth looks comic accurate, a little bit funny for non comic readers I can guess but I love the costumes.
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