Fukushima 50 (2020)
its the low budget version of the accident.
5 October 2020
11032011, a date ill always remember, not because i was there, no, its 2 days before my birthday. but i remember the images flowing the screens, but for us norwegians, the fukushima incident was barely mentioned.the main issue was the tsunami, that killed and wrecked so much.

this is not a documentary, its a drama about the heroes, doing heroic things in a heroic way to save japan from the radiation. it shows also the ignorance from to politicians who orders in east and west over things they have no knowledge about. its made for the layman tv-viewer, withthe lines of command, and the bending and bowing and kamikaze like behaviour for the love of my country, etches alltrough the plot.

but i saw it and i do not regret. but if you want the more abstract version, then seek information in the documentary world.the grumpy old man says 5.
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