Beyond basic...(plot explained)
6 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You know those sequels where none of the original cast wants to return, so they make the main character out of someone who was a minor one in the previous film? That's this.

It is taken straight from early 2000s possession 101. It's got all the tropes, and doesn't do anything well. Then even more lame is the final 30 so minutes become a pure slasher film. Oh the killer/possessed has your standard black eyes too.

It adds absolutely ZERO to the first film, which though also not good, was way better than THIS. No clue how this has a higher rating...at least part 1 had a halfway decent possession.

I promise this is nothing you haven't seen 50x or more...right down to it's tired jump scare ending scene...

Here's the plot quickly..

Begins w/ older sister getting the voicemail the aunt made in part 1. Who rushes home to meet her father who is now a "saved" man, and Father Michael. She's told her sister and aunt went out of town...the whole movie is spent with her waiting for them to return, and the waiting game for the father to go back to being nasty. Bigggg twist...the father gets possessed so he's evil again (yawn) and goes on a slasher movie rampage, he even uses an axe!!!! Haha...so original eh? We find out Aunt is actually in a catatonic state of shock due to first film, though we never see her once...Older sister saves her younger half brother and they kill their possessed father...Father Michael gets arrested, and the possessed Sarah (and likely Ashely as well) gets released, attacking Father Michael with a jump scare ending. We are not shown what became of big sis and the little brother but assumed they escaped or whatever. The end.
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