The Worst Piece of Crud I've Seen in Years
9 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, this terrible piece of garbage is what happens when the director is also the writer, producer, an editor, and gives himself a cameo in his own picture. There is no one to tell him exactly how bad of a job he's done until it's too late. The cast is decent, and the movie made me feel sorry for them. Two things came to mind. Either they were friends of the director and decided to do him a favor by appearing in his insanely low-budget and badly written film, or they were hard-up for money. Either way, 'Ghost of Goodnight Lane' manages to taint the careers of everyone involved. The ghost's story is ridiculous and even manages a tie-in with Charles Manson, because why not? Aside from that, the ghost has so many powers - too many powers - and they keep changing. The characters are equally as uneven. Billy Zane's character behaves in a way that makes him seem pretty naive and useless as a film producer in the movie. While his crew is being slaughtered - or rather slaughtering themselves - he just keeps on with his picture like it's the most important thing that needs to be done right then. I honestly wanted to gouge my eyes out as I forced myself to sit through this monstrosity. Fortunately, the ending with the director's cameo satisfied that craving. Don't waste your time with this film. The only purpose it serves is to turn me off of watching anything else that the director has ever made or will ever make. Billy Zane - what happened, dude?
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