Down to earth family friendly
10 October 2020
I am in a sappy mood these days. I have been watching the lowest of the low budget films. Stumbling upon this film I decided to go ahead and watch because I like the name. Even though the actors seem to be young in the movie business I found them refreshing sounding like normal people in any normal given day.

Story goes how middle-aged man who has no family decides to go to a rental store and rent a Christmas, the works. He seems Enchanted by the store owner and she with him. So she agrees to supply him all the necessary items to make a Norman Rockwell type Christmas for him.

She can't rent the actors for the time needed so she and her employee along with some orphaned children decide to play the parts of the man's family. Voila! A Borrowed Christmas.

Even though this film seems a little sappy I really hope people enjoy it. I've actually watched it twice because I enjoyed it so much the first time
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