Wag the Dog (1997)
More Relevant Than Ever!
11 October 2020
As satirical and surreal as this movie seems, it also has that air of 'Dr. Strangelove' that dialog, scenario's, and actions might not be that far off the mark. Past, present or future. And is scary how 'spin and deflection' has become such an art now. Back in FDR's day with his poliomyelitis, it was just common sense and general agreement to not make it an issue, or use it against him and his leadership. Cut to Bill Clinton and his indiscretion in the oval office, was dragged out and questioned to the point of making him a monster. 9/11 to this day is still questioned by many was it a conspiracy or not? To promote Bush Jr and/or give America good reason to infiltrate the middle east and all? And unlike the mystery of the JFK assassination, 9/11 conspiracy and Republican deflection is more probable and provable with technology and communication - either overtly in front of everyone's eyes, or hacked and exposed via WikiLeaks et al. And even then, it's held with scrutiny, unchallenged, and allowed to wither and fade in everyone's memory. With Wag The Dog, it seems so simplistic at first. DeNiro's 'Mr. Fix It' character seems to know how to handle everything just so. But it also shows the complexity and ease of so many involved that can take a minute piece of information and exploit it or counteract it with a simple leak and denial. And I think it's important to advise viewers to pay attention to the ending. As the supposedly internal mucking and manipulations to secure ones leadership CAN have an effect on another region of the world as a gateway trigger effect. Can we ever re-establish 'real news' over 'fake news' today and for the future...?
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