One by One (2014)
Even a stopped clock can be right twice a day, but this particular clock is seemingly right on every hour at the moment.
11 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you disregard the passible acting, average writing and really quite terrible directing, the concept is very - shall we say - intriguing.

At first you think the main character, Dion, is being inculcated into some weird cult. Her angry copper boyfriend doesn't like her being with them. He's the stereotype you MUST hate in this story, got it? (he'll be back later)

Turns out that they're not a cult, but just seemingly more informed in their beliefs.

And their belief is that the notions of climate change so pervasive around them actually masks a wider conspiracy of a New World Order plan of population reduction.

When one of their group sadly dies from a stabbing attack outside a club, they start to tell Dion what they truly think about what is going on in the world.

They talk of population reduction by means of war, surreptitious racial plans to cause internal strife, the use of man-made viruses and vaccines designed to kill even more.

They speak of ID cards, sterilization, bio-engineered pathogens to eliminate entire groups and races. Eugenics, essentially.

You'd be forgiven for thinking this was made just recently and then somehow retrofitted into 2014 to prove some kind of point.

Sadly that is not the case.

The late, great Rik Mayall died suddenly from a heart attack in 2014.

It's quite clear that Rik Mayall appears solely to add gravitas to the production as; his most popular role is Rick in The Young Ones (which ran on BBC2 on 1982 & 1984 and which I had the absolute side-splitting pleasure to watch live back then) - an Anarcho-Communist sociology student who clearly doesn't believe, or has even perused the political & philosophical writings that he pushes so childishly to his student digs mates; seems to fit the remit.

He comes across as the cult leader, who is never questioned (except by Dion) and his subjective observations on reality are always seen as "enlightening".

This is shown in an (unintentionally) laughable scene where he uses a Jenga tower falling over to refer to the 9/11 attacks. Quite insulting to the intelligence.

When he speaks on this point the music changes very abruptly to sinister tones, then back to the softer tones to prove the point.

I do not want to get into jet fuel melting steel beams.

So we move to a montage of Dion researching the NWO and 9/11 with a song by someone who was clearly slightly popular at the time. This production is clearly geared to folks far younger than I. But lets focus on content rather than style.

Seems that Dion has now been away for a few days, and the dead girls dad welcomes her back with a big cult love-bomb hug, the characters were never truly fleshed out to make any of this believable, but okay.

She's been to see a seminar or two.

"Got any questions?" "Nah, need a shower and a sleep."

Then Mr Mayall does the sinister cult man thing by reciting some Rupert Brooke. And no-one says anything about it. Unquestioned. Jarring. Laughable.

Okay, this is getting tedious now. Let's move to the end point.

As their fever-dream NWO take over starts to kick in, the ex-boyfriend copper (remember?) re-appears with what appears to be a Magnum .50 calibre (buy them down the high street, £150 mate, no questions!) and the TV shows that the world is on the brink of chaos. Because that'll be how that occurs, apparently.

Then some NWO trucks roll up outside as the NWO plan is now in full effect, angry copper goes outside, thinking he's one of them, and gets shot by random NWO goons.

Dion then has a monologue that may seem sensible for Anarcho-Communists like Rick.

The actress then looks into the camera and says "Wake up! Now!"

Then the titles roll, telling us that this production is in association with THE COMEDY COMPANY, yet I have not laughed once.

In conclusion: I fully understand the fear people are undergoing at the moment and I have looked into Event201, Agenda 2030/21 and they are REAL and TANGIBLE threats to our existence...

But this ain't it, chief.
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