Mystery Science Theater 3000: Time Chasers (1997)
Season 9, Episode 21
Time Travel Film Out of Joint
12 October 2020
This is another favorite episode of the show in my book. This one is on another generic "Back to the Future" knock off and it's understandable why they would knock this film off. From the fact this film was filmed in Vermont which is one of the worst locations in my book to make a movie in as it's not the most interesting. The effects are not on par as we see the time travel effect looks like a screen saver. Story that has about as many plot holes as that awful recent Star Wars trilogy (episodes 7-9 to be exact); though on a sidenote this film is almost more watchable than those films.

The main protagonist even though he's likeable and supposedly a genius (I said supposedly), he's kind of a moron, he has this great invention, but he squanders it's potential. Let alone his plight to getting more money (I think) by trying to sell to this corporation which is a big red flag any amateur scientist can see a mile away; as Ceral Killer from "Hackers" would put it "that's universally stupid man!". When you think about it really makes no sense, couldn't the main protagonist just use his time travel device with the knowledge he has of the present, could he just make some major investments and get more money that way.

Also don't buy him as they try to make him almost an action hero in a scene or two, as those action sequences are just not well choregraphed and actors were a bit poorly trained. But most importantly the budget is clearly not on par and it shows, and a plane really isn't a very interesting time travel vehicle as you can only go and park it so many places, which is one other inconsistence how the heck would the guy know where an airfield in the future is or even find a good spot in any time period to land.

Anyway, this episode to me is a lot of fun, it's just ripe with hilarity. From most of the riffs, really like it when Servo sings a few songs as certain tunes in the film feel oddly familiar with familiar songs. How much of a moron the protagonist is, in one lame chase sequence were we see the protagonist jack a car but then after getting out of the parking lot immediately and stupidly crashes it; beginning to see what that guy rides his bike a lot.

But I really like how much they riff on how low budgeted the film is like the title sequence and graphics at the start which look like they were done on home computer, let alone misleading from the circuit board we see you think your about to see a cyberpunk film.

Certain settings like when the protagonist takes a couple of characters to the future which looks like the 90's as we clearly see the supposedly building of the future is a modern day mall in Vermont; though just seeing that made me want to do some shopping. Another is the post-apocalyptic world which looks like just an abandoned warehouse complex which it probably is, and the and this cleched antagonist's office which look like the lobby of a University Library.

The host segments were really funny, probably one of my favorites with Nelson and the Robots as it's this story arc of Crow going back in time, trying to keep Mike from the past from getting blasted off in space. Of course, the results are hilariously out of joint just like this episode.

Rating: 4 stars
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