Highlander: Archangel (1997)
Season 5, Episode 18
Writers try to highjack this TV series
15 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
1. Highlander the TV series adds extra dementions to storytelling in a fascinating way as it tells stories about people who are destined to become immortal once they experience their first physical death. Provided that they are not decapitated or their body is not completely obliterated, they will recover from any event that causes death. It is often a gritty story because when immortals meet, they sometimes fight to the death. They can sense or "feel" when another immortal is approaching. This helps them to be ready in case they are challenged to a fight. Immortals are biologically unable to have children. 2. Also, there exists a mysterious set of rules that all immortals have to follow. They must only use bladed weapons in battle. They cannot interfere or assist when another immortal is engaged in battle, (one on one only). ADDITIONAL RULES: they must keep their immortality a secret from mortals (exceptions are mortal spouses or revealing your secrets by accident or out of extreme necessity). They must keep their challenges and battles away from the public. (This rule is not always followed perfectly). When an immortal "dies" in public that immortal must leave that part of the world and possibly even create a new identity to use at least until anyone who might recognize him or her has died or is no longer a factor. New and inexperienced immortals usually receive assistance and training from a more experienced immortal for a period of time. And the most important rule, it is forbidden to fight on any type of Holy Ground. 3. In my opinion the writers and producers of the Highlander TV series did a great disservice to the show at the end of season five. In the episode "Archangel" a demon is introduced into the story. The main immortal character, Duncan MacLeod, has to do battle with this non-corporeal entity for three episodes, and one other main immortal character is killed as a result. To make things even more unpalatable for the viewer, the demon appears in the likeness of the most despised character in the TV series, that of the evil Watcher James Horton. 4. With all of the existing elements of the Highlander show there is already plenty of material and plenty of avenues to create great and interesting stories, so I have to cry FOUL very loudly at the introduction of this demon. He has no place in these stories of immortals. He doesn't fit, and he only perverts the show. 5. If you are a fan of the show you will probably watch these three "demon" episodes regardless. There is some good and clever dialogue and Watcher Joe Dawson, having re-located to France, has a new blues music nightclub called "Le Blues Bar" (Joe has a sense of humor). 6. I realize that by the time the demon has departed from our story, we are in the early episodes of the last season of Highlander. While it's possible that the writers and producers were not concerned at this point about the effect a demon would have on the show, I still believe that it was a terrible idea.
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