Evolution of Evil (I) (2018)
Too bad you don't have a zero choice.
16 October 2020
What I like about this movie: beautiful scenery. What I didn't like? Everything else. The moment the woman first opened her mouth, I hoped, she would get killed soon. What a self-important, spoiled old brat! I bet she would have married herself, if that had been an option. They should have chose a deserted island in the middle of the ocean, but I guess she would have been outraged by the wild life. How he decided to hook up with her is the most unbelievable thing about this movie. And let me not forget the song he was singing along with. Actually, I wish I had never heard it. I bet someone is proud of it. "Cicle...keep circling around, circle..." What???? There was a part that reminded me of when I used to attended BBQs and a couple of guys would bring the pig. Those were the good old days.
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