Wagon Train: The Kate Parker Story (1959)
Season 2, Episode 31
An Authentic Love. Story + Authentic Western = This W.T. Episode!
17 October 2020
Seldom is the time you can find a believable love story set in an authentic 19th century American western setting that is little more than a modern day romance with the actors sinply dressed in period costumes. "The Kate Parker Story" manages to truly achieve the criteria making it pass the test of an old west love story while avoiding the sappiness pitfall "trap". The episode focuses on 2 love stories. One of which is a younger couple who is derply in love while the other, older couple is together because of greed mostly and thus, focuses on money instead of love. Love is used as a weapon to hurt one another, if anything at all. Without being a spoiler, I will simply say that the moral of the tale is to never abandon the idea that it is ever too late for true love to come into one's life! The story offers hope where there seemingly is none to be found. Even the weather has left love out in the cold where it has no right to exist. Indeed, I recommend "The Kate Parker Story" as one of Wagon Train's best in the romantic genre of a true American old west setting for a story. The cast and crew make excellent use of their approximate 50 minutes given to tell such a full and satisfying story. The scenes are quite wonderful, too!
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