Very slight, which it shouldn't have been, but also quite enjoyable.
22 October 2020
"Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence" is a film written by Dalton Trumbo and directed by, of all people, by Ricardo Cortez! It also happens to be the first starring film for Glenn Ford...who had only been in a short, "Night in Manhattan". Despite receiving fourth billing, clearly Ford is the star of the film and every scene features him. I think such low billing was because he was a complete unknown...but it is the starring role he received.

I noticed that one reviewer seemed to think that the far leftist, Trumbo, had created some sort of communist story here. However, I think quite the opposite...that the film COULD have had much more of a left slant but the writer avoided making much of a political statement with this film. So, instead of being any sort of propaganda, it's just a slight yet entertaining yarn. The story is set during the Great Depression and yet few 1930s films really talked about this one. It's about poor folks and hobos but as I said above, the story didn't seem to have much of an agenda. They were poor but the film didn't seem to push for any action or change.

Joe (Ford) has a dream of owning his own ranch and growing things and raising stock. So, for some time he's been saving his money and recently purchased a small parcel of land in Arizona. He calls it his 'ranch' but at 20 acres, it's not exactly the Ponderosa! He's also not seen the land and trusts that it's everything they advertised. But he has a problem...he's ready to head west to his new property but he hasn't any spare money. So he begins walking, hitchhiking and riding the rails in order to get there....and along the way he encounters some new friends...as well as a lady friend. What is next? See the film.

This story is very slight and not a lot of huge twists...but it's consistently well acted and enjoyable. My only complaint is a minor one. Jean Rogers plays a woman who is supposed to be an illegal alien from war-torn Spain. But her accent doesn't sound Spanish (more Swedish) and she doesn't seem at all a good choice for this part because of this.
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