A uniquely styled documentary that works extremely well
22 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Usually I absolutely despise spoilers, but 'American Murder: The Family Next Door' is actually one time I would recommend knowing the final result of before going in. I had this spoiled for me before watching and ultimately actually ended up being happy that it happened. The reason for this is that the most fascinating part of this documentary was watching the killer's movements throughout the runtime. Watching how they acted knowing full well what they'd done. It's one thing to watch a guilty character in a movie move about, but a whole other watching a real life person do it.

This documentary was captivating from start to finish. It's unlike any documentary I've seen before in the sense that it contains zero current interviews. All the footage is from police body-cams, surveillance footage, interview room footage and Facebook footage. It almost feels like a real movie in that sense. I understand why not many documentaries are lucky enough to have this much footage available to them, but if they do they should absolutely always use it.

This is a heart-breaking story. The details of the crime are absolutely devastating. It's not an easy watch. It is proof that pure evil does exist in this world sadly. It is a very well-made documentary though and well worth your time to watch it. I highly recommend this one.
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