Review of On the Rocks

On the Rocks (2020)
Get this man an Oscar!
25 October 2020
Really hope Bill Murray finally gets that Oscar. He really deserves it for this movie, where he gives such a charming, funny, but also in incredibly emotional performance.

The plot of the movie is nothing special. But that's really not the driving factor here. Its the relationship between daughter (Rashida Jones), and father (Murray). And gosh their chemistry is great. The movie is much more of a character study of their relationship, which i found very charming, real and relatable, with some really good performances as well, especially by Murray. I was highly entertained, and charmed by their interactions throughout the whole movie.

I found the ending a little anticlimactic, and i must admit to be a little disappointing of the end, cause i was so invested up until that point. With that said, i remember that this movie is much more about relations than plotting, and therefore i'm going 4/5. And i genuinely believes Murray deserves the best supporting actor for this, and that hes long overdue.
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