After the Fox!
26 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Border Saddlemates" was one of star Rex Allen's better Republic westerns. He plays a veterinarian sent to the border town of Pine Rock, Montana to replace the resident vet who is away. His "assistant" turns out to be local dog catcher Slim Pickens. Rex goes to visit the Richards Fox Farm wher he meets Mel Richards (Forrest Taylor), his pretty young daughter Jane (Mary Ellen Kay) and her young brother Danny (Jimmy Moss). The Richards raise foxes for sale.

Rex is also asked to go on a fox hunt in Canada just over the border held by Steve Baxter (Roy Barcroft). In a spectacular scene, Baxter gets his foot entagled in his horse's stirrup when it is spooked by a cougar. Rex and Slim rescue him in an exciting sequence. Baxter however (hey it Is Roy Barcroft) is running a counterfeit ring. The phoney money is printed on the Canadian side of the border and smuggled to the U.S. in the false bottoms of the fox cages that are shipped across the border.

All is going as planned until Danny's pet fox becomes ill. Rex is forced to place the fox ranch in quarantine until he can determine if Danny's pet has a contagious disease. This upsets Baxter. He arranges to have the sick animal stolen from Rex's office by Ned Sheldon (Bud Osborb
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