Biblically based low budget Christian suspense
26 October 2020
Christian made films usually have one tenth of the budgets of the typical Hollywood movie. I know a bit about this as some music I penned was used in a Christian made film fourteen years ago that was distributed by Lionsgate Nationally. These faith films aremade pretty much on a wing and a prayer, so, they cannot hire Industrial light and magic or any other large expensive effects companies nor can they hire well known stars even if they happen to be Christians like Denzel Washington As it would use up their miniscule budget in 2 days.The one " Star" in this movie is Eric Roberts who only recites a few lines as an Antichrist like charismatic figure...

They simply don't have the resources that big budget films have so must make do with lesser known actors and Almost no special effects. That doesn't mean a film made by Christians can't be at least enjoyable to watch or better than tolerable, but they have to focus on the story and the purpose of the film not expensive effects or high dollar movie stars. Christian films have to concentrate on telling a message based on biblical themes or ideas making sure that is well done...

This film concentrates on a young female college student named Roxy that writes in her diary about what different scriptures from the Bible mean to her and particularly Prophetic Bible verses focusing on what the apostle Paul and Jesus Christ Himself called The last days or what things will be like during the " Great tribulation" that will unfold and become reality.

The film flashes forward to a time where society has completely devolved into a dystopian nightmarish culture where harsh New World Order soldiers hunt down and either kill Christians or use them as slaves or prostitutes, then flashing back to Roxy who is quickly realizing the Bible verses she's writing down in her diary are beginning to unfold right in front of her eyes. The government is now requiring all people be microchipped with an RFID chip done in the name of "Safety" and " Security" which Roxy then refuses as she's read about The Mark of the beast in Revelation in which no one can buy or sell anything in the mainstream marketplace. Roxy is tracked and hunted but helped by two converts who finally realize everything they've ever been told about God and the Bible by humanistic secularists have been complete lies...

What I would ask of those who have mocked and ridiculed this little low budget Christian film is...In 2020 where the world has gone crazy, A pandemic has shut down almost the entire society for 9 months, and Government officials in California and other states are mandating churches not sing at all or music venues cannot have bands or horn players play does the premise of this film still seem that far-fetched?
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