Sheena: A Rite of Passage (2000)
Season 1, Episode 4
Seems promising, falls flat
27 October 2020
After an unconvincing start, we find an episode with an interesting focus on Kali (for a change). As scenes alternate between her drama and Sheena/Cutter wondering what's going on, a strange feeling settles over the viewer: boredom, as we realize there really isn't much going on.

The fault is in the writing -- this episode pulls explanations and backstory out of the air, trying to build tension with out-of-nowhere plot turns, and reducing all conversation to stale TV phrases. Too bad: Margo Moorer finally gets something interesting to do, and it feels like one of those episodes you get from shows that are past their sell-by date.

Reasons to watch (at least the first half):

  • the "Rogue" status explained here is referred to in subsequent episodes (though it's arguably better not knowing)
  • Moorer's unusually central role & character backstory
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