The Before Time?
28 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The before time that matters the most is the time that I spent prior to watching this putrid excuse for a movie.

The acting stinks on ice. The characters are over-the-top caricatures. No one in this movie is even remotely likeable. Why is it common to virtually every horror movie that features a group of people in peril that none of them can stand any of the others?

Let me cut to the chase; everyone dies. The stupidest, most inane death involves Peter, an intern to the leader of this group, and Kimberly, another member who kills him. Now, Peter is significantly larger than Kimberly, is in decent shape, and uninjured. Conversely, Kimberly is exhausted and dehydrated, but she takes Peter down and kills him like a lioness taking down a baby gazelle. She attacks him, knocks him to the ground, and strangles him to death in less than 10 seconds. Where did she find the inhuman strength that it would require to strangle a fully grown adult man in so short a span when she barely had the strength to walk just prior to the attack?

This movie is stupid heaped on imbecilic. Bad acting laid atop an idiotic script atop shoddy camerawork. Whomever put together the soundtrack for this farce should be beaten mercilessly about the noggin with a ballpeen hammer. This movie is an exercise in futility, at best; a complete and utter waste of time and resources.

Spare yourself and spend your time doing something other than watching this rancid turd of a movie. I recently passed a kidney stone, and that was more enjoyable than this "movie".
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