Silver Bells (2013 Video)
Give a little bit!
4 November 2020
Somehow I made it through the first half an hour of obnoxious, competitive behaviour centred around sports, the kind that really winds me up. Where parents force their own dreams on to their children and are obsessed with winning everything, including the best dressed house for Christmas. All that electric being burned and consuming the world and the money spent on it. Tone it down guys and donate the money you save to people that don't even have water or food or something (I know, I'm ranting again!).

Once I got passed that, the film started to show how wrong that attitude is and that we should consider others and find love in our hearts for every stranger as well as our family. A good moral and a valid point.

It gets a bit God-Bothery in places and I can see why The Salvation Army was selected for this film, but I can't really condone their attitudes towards the LGBT community. If I believed in a God, it would be an accepting God who loves us all equally and doesn't take attendance or expect repentance, but I don't which is why I find films like these, that use them as a way of promoting kindness, to be a bit much for my tastes. Being kind should be common sense, not because a mythological being has told you to do it.

As you would expect, everything gets wrapped up in a lovely shiny bow in the end and Bruce learns his lesson, but I've said it before, it's not the things you do at Christmas, but the Christmas things you do all year through.
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