Alexander babysits
5 November 2020
Alexander's storyline is almost exactly like the 'Raccoons' episode 'Bully for You!'. Tom, the kid Alexander is supposed to babysit, is the counterpart of Bonneville Knox, an equally bratty yet troubled kid. Falko plays the part of Cyril Sneer, and Alexander plays the part of Cedric Sneer. Like Cyril, Falko takes Tom in as part of a business deal, and like Cedric, Alexander finds himself beleaguered by Tom's pranks. Despite this, Alexander is more patient and understanding with Tom than Cedric is with Bonneville, while Falko, while still willing to take Tom in, has slightly less patience than Cyril does, which is saying something, as Falko is more emotionally reserved. Falko has less understanding of what Tom is going through than Cyril does of Bonneville's emotional struggle, and doesn't feel he has time for pep talks. Tom, grateful for Alexander's kindness, quickly becomes nicer and more helpful. This episode as a whole is just okay. Bibi and Tina's storyline doesn't connect that well with Alexander's. That said, Alexander's storyline was the most interesting part.
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