Lackluster and cringe-full
8 November 2020
Imagine if the show ugly betty did NOT focus on the fashion industry, relationships between the different characters, Betty's drive and ambition, and had a really really REALLY bad script.

That's this show. The main character is one of those clumsy, innocent female leads that is supposed to be endearing but was taken too far to where she was just annoying.

One of the characters actually asked her if she was a cave dweller or her father lived in a forest somewhere collecting ginseng... yeah, she does act like that. It's the born yesterday troupe where the person acts like they've never spent a day in society. After all when you're 30 it's normal to not only apply for an internship but also get paid enough within the first two months to cover all your student loans AND have enough for a top to bottom make-over, even though you don't know what blush is...

The male lead is... fine. He's rather meh here. The side characters are the ones that stole the show. Ha-ri had an interesting subplot and the actress subdue reactions made far more impact then the leads exaggerated ones.

Si Won Choi playing Kim Shin-hyuk stole every scene he was in. He acted like he knew how silly it all was and just had fun with it.

The situations are forced and belong in a 90s drama not in this day and age. The music loud and obnoxious. The ending flat. The side characters are the only reason to bother with this.
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