Apple Mortgage Cake (2014 TV Movie)
An Apple A Day Keeps The Banker Away
9 November 2020
Not To Be Confused With, nor does it have anything to do with Apple Macintosh & the Steve Jobs story.

It's a happy-go-lucky movie with a feel-good-factor that clearly defines the differences between need & want. Angela Logan had the support she needed. Everything else just slotted into place with perfect timing.

When it's your partner's ambition to ensure that you complete your dreams, then I guess your outlook & productivity can be/is greater, as it was with Angela - even Angela Logan's children supported her ideas as great ideas & saw it as their job to be the best they can be for their mother.

I reckon a lot of people fail & fall flat on their face at the first hurdle of their ventures because their support network of family & friends are too busy with their own ambitious lives. Angela Logan's life became the life of her support network. Through Angela, their issues was raised, addressed & sorted enough to shine brightly for Angela.

From the movie we see that Angela Logan's children weren't in competition against her or with her & didn't feel ashamed of her ideas - ie: they didn't feel their mother or the world 'owes' them more love than what they already have or something better or special. The children didn't appear to in competition with each other - ie: sibling rivalry - neither did they seem to suffer from 'a disease of the times' - a 'neurotic malady' called 'syndrome' - ie: oldest child syndrome, middle child syndrome, youngest child syndrome, only child syndrome etc. Therefore Angela Logan was able to reach her 'Opt Pot" - (Optimum Potential).
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