Review of The Bear

NCIS: Los Angeles: The Bear (2020)
Season 12, Episode 1
Apparently rushed, ragged story, many loose ends, in the end, lame
9 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I realize the studios are dealing with a lot to try to get new episodes back on the air, but this episode was just a mess. Some of the issues:

1.Time wasting scenes. For example, the scene with Arkady. It served no purpose to the plot beyond provide an improbable name and code word for the team to bribe a Russian operative, and the scene was a way too long time waster. Obviously its main purpose was to fill air time. The idea that they could bribe a Russian operative for the information about the crew of the bomber with just a 3 minute conversation with a homeless man is absurd.

Second example, the long, over long, helicopter search looking at mountains and valleys with nothing happening.

2. The main plot element was the Russian bomber crew passing out, and the plane dropping below radar, and finally found having landed in a remote area. And yet, this plot was never resolved. The reasons, etc., were merely speculated on by our heros, but nothing resolved. Why was the Russian crew engaged with a gun fight among themselves? Again, speculation, but no resolution.

And, what's with bringing back Nell, no longer an employee of NCIS, and yet she is in charge? Ridiculous. And, we are to believe that the Russians would buzz US airspace with a novice crew on a training mission? Again, ridiculous.

I got the distinct impression the script was unfinished, had no ending, was rife with absurdity that should have been corrected in re-writes, but was rushed into production anyway with time-wasting scenes used to consume the required air time.

This was pretty close to the worst episode in this series, and I've seen them all.
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