Some Good Insights: Some Questionable
12 November 2020
Yes, it's a rare person to handle the loneliness and physicality and sacrifice to carry two heavy packs and pull/paddle/pole/portage a canoe over challenging terrain for thousands of miles while battling mosquitoes & large biting flies, and the weather, and the unknown of predators. On the other hand the GoPro camera seldom showed the awesomeness of the journey's beauties; mostly we see close ups of our traveler. But then, too, handling a camera while handling everything else is asking a lot. Would have been interesting to know what percentage of the journey was paddling up; paddling down; paddling flat; poling & sail enhanced. What percentage was portaging between water sources. I have no problem with the plane drop of supplies, but outside of a couple of eating berries I didn't see any serious food gathering. Also, I don't think he should be critical, without knowing why, other travelers left their gear.
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