Review of IRL

IRL (II) (2019)
Love is between minds not bodies.
13 November 2020
This film takes us on a journey of a relationship that could almost never occur in real life. But just because they don't have a traditional in person relationship does not mean they cannot achieve the kind of connection we all hope to find. I am still not sure what is to happen to them in the end, but if nothing else they got to experience a time in their lives where love and compatibility were possible. I would like to know how/where these people found the time to know so much about the actual artists behind famous paintings. Jesus. Listening to those two was like being in an art history course I never took in college, lol! But I get it. Finding something in common you are passionate about can take things to a whole new level and make the person less replaceable than normal, despite the never ending plethora of singles online that some find addictive.
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