I Am Greta (2020)
One of the better documentaries I've watched in recent years.
13 November 2020
My favourite part of this film is that it reserved judgment one way or another about the subject that they were covering so intimately, which must have been quite a tight-rope to walk, but they succeeding in this perfectly.

I don't usually comment on others' reviews, but I have to add that I suspect the vast majority of people giving this a 1/10 (a 1? Those aren't serious votes or Leni Riefenstahl's films would all get 1/10 if the only merit measured is the popularity of the subject matter, come on now) I would bet my left arm never watched this film at all, at most they have read synopses of parts some alt-right website found a hair to split with on Facebook or 8chan or wherever, and are basing their votes purely based on what their particular political cult tells them is bad or good.

So don't heed the low rating this gets on IMDb, this really is an emotionally engaging and insight film no matter whether you are someone who even doesn't believe man-made climate change is real. I watched this with one guy, an Engineer, who thinks climate change is actually due to environmental encroachment. the other one a QAnon-believing III%er, and we talked about the film for a good two hours afterward, which I think is a sign of a successful film in my books.
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