Suspenseful day at the oil fields, memorable acting and overall fantastic episode
16 November 2020
Here in this episode, Bury Her Next to Jasper's Leg, we get to follow characters we haven't seen this season and some that's been featured less than others. John and June Dorie, Luciana, Sarah, Wendell and Wez. It's nice to see them again and the oil fields from season 5 makes a return. Sharat Raju directed this episode and I loved the visual storytelling and his direction was superb.

The story of this episode is simple, an explosion at the oil fields makes June and her friends drive down there to help everyone whilst Virginia wants to find out what caused it, and what follows is some phenomenal acting from the actors and it's female led characters. I don't want to spoil anything except for the main events, but it's very well done... the whole production of the episode, I read a review that it felt a bit like Chernobyl and I agree it was visually stunning from the cinematography to the lightning and effects that were used. It truly felt like a huge explosion and hell on earth that I guess an explosion will cause at a oil field. The medical scene in the beginning with June was simply amazing and kept me on the edge of my seat, there were many scenes throughout the episode that were suspenseful. But it was a fantastic and suspenseful beginning to a superb episode.

I want to take some time to go through the acting in this episode and character development. June and John had the most character development but we got to see how much Sarah have changed and grown as a person, finally someone you can root for. Virginia had a lot of character development that might change your perspective on her but honestly she's a great villain in this season and fantastically played by Colby Minifiez, her performance along with Jenna Elfman as June was the highlights of this episode. I wanted more of Luciana, but the writers still have no clue what to do with her or to write good dialogue for her, that's one thing the writers in season 3 knew how to do.

Overall a fantastic episode, visually impressive and chaotic. The scenes at the oil fields is spectacular and some you'll remember for a long time.
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