Star Trek: Discovery: Die Trying (2020)
Season 3, Episode 5
Die Trying
17 November 2020
So Discovery finds the Federation of the 32nd century and it is another cold welcome. The crew should be used to be it by now,

Admiral Vance is rather hesitant to trust a crew that has suddenly arrived from 900 years ago with spore technology. There is nothing in the records about some of the events the Discovery crew are talking about.

It does lead to a difference of opinions between Saru and Burnham. I thought Saru was too subservient to the Federation hierarchy and too ready to trust them. I think Vance's clumsy attempt to separate the crew was a misstep and I just suspected that the Federation would have an unhealthy interest in the spore drive.

Discovery as a science vessel wants to prove themselves and opt to go and get some space seeds which could cure some alien refugees.

This involves going to Cmdr Nhan's home world. However getting the seeds is not easy as the crew find a family in stasis. They appear to be dead while the father seems to be phasing in and out.

It was another very traditional Star Trek type story, maybe too basic for my liking.

More intriguing was Georgiou's story. A Terran got the attention of a man called Kovich and he was played by David Cronenberg who had some questions to ask. This does suggest a possible shake up of Georgiou's story.

Now if they can only get this Cronenberg guy to direct a few episodes of Star Trek.
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