Formulaic, mostly unfunny sequel, with less plot and no nudity
18 November 2020
This sequel to "Revenge of the Nerds" basically repeats the formula of the first movie, but with a beachside resort instead of a university. Again, the "nerds" show up to their plush digs and find that the evil rival fraternity, the Alphas, have seen to it that they can't claim what's theirs, and thus have to live in a run-down hotel. They are at some sort of "convention" for fraternities and their rivals want to get them banned, or some such thing.

The movie has less story than the first. It just feels like a series of loosely connected scenes, or perhaps just gags. It raised the occasional chuckle from me. I think I laughed maybe three times.

Remember the infamous "We got bush!" scene from the first movie? The filmmakers this time round certainly did: the snot-picking pervert character Booger repeats the same line when he comes across a bushel of marijuana in the wild. However, despite including that call back, this movie contains virtually no nudity, unless you count a couple of moments where nipples are visible through clothes.
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