8ight After (2020)
Every bit as boring and disappointing as "Paranormal Activity" was...
18 November 2020
Granted, I wasn't really expecting much from this 2020 movie titled "8ight After", as it just had that particular low budget vibe to it. But still, with it being a new horror movie that I hadn't seen, of course I managed to find the time to sit down and watch it.

And true enough, I wasn't in for a grand spectacular horror movie. Sure, the movie was watchable, but it was amazingly slow paced and very, very uneventful, which made for a boring and mundane movie. Yet, I managed to endure the movie to the very end, hoping something extraordinary would happen. But it just never did!

The movie feels like a low budget rip off from the "Paranormal Activity" for better or worse. I mean, if you liked the dubious "Paranormal Activity" movies then chances are you'll enjoy "8ight After" as well. But if you, like me, weren't impressed or entertained with the monotonous and uneventful "Paranormal Activity" movies, then you'll might want to just go ahead and skip on watching "8ight After". Some of us literally suffered through this so you don't have to.

For a horror movie then "8ight After" was just bland and boring. It took writers Deanna Rocca and Vincent Rocca 1 hour and 38 minutes to essentially show you just a bedsheet being ripped off, a moving shadow and a closing door. Everything else that was portrayed in the movie was just filler. And come on, let's be honest, a bedsheet, a shadow and a door hardly makes for a proper horror movie.

And the way the movie is constructed and built up as being a self-recorded vblog, wow. Just wow! That is bad, epically bad and makes for some very horrible entertainment in my opinion. It felt like something I could have recorded myself with my phone. So I feel ripped off having to actually invest money and time into watching something like this.

The movie has a very limited cast ensemble, which meant that the pressure to deliver proper acting performances were resting on the shoulders of those actors and actresses. Fair should be fair, and they actually performed well enough with the severe limitations imposed upon them from director Vincent Rocca.

If you enjoy horror movies you should spend your money, time and effort elsewhere, because "8ight After" simply is not really worth the trouble. My rating of this 2020 movie settles on a generous three out of ten stars.
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