The Bodyguard (1992)
Underrated film
20 November 2020
Inter-racial relationships in a mainstream Hollywood film were rare back in 1992 and this was quite a revolutionary film, as it showed how normal it looked and not really questioned, and yet the poster of the time did a lot to underplay that. And Whitney Houston could really act, fragile and tough at the same time. I have reservations about Kevin Costner as an actor, but somehow he is right in this film and apparently wanted to act with Houston a lot. The plot is simple, but exciting to watch and the electricity between Costner and Huston is erotic, beautiful to see and the tender love scene with what looked like a samurai sword between them riveting to watch. Caught this on a UK channel. and it is rarely showed. A fine film that should be seen and shown on television more often in the UK than it is. I liked it back in 1992 and I like it even better now. A lot of details like the fund raising event for AIDS showed how exactly the film was aware of its time. Dramatic, tender and well worth re-evaluation.
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