Time Walker (1982)
Time Waster
20 November 2020
A museum gets a new mummy. When they open the sarcophagus, the mummy is gone. Yes, it's walking, and is trying to do.... well, something that involves laying a bunch of tiny, blue-glowing glass beads in what appears to be a Star Trek uniform insignia.

Everyone spends the movie being clueless about what is going on. This should allow a lot of suspense, with the audience knowing what is at risk -- because we've seen all this before -- and no one in the film doing anything to stop it. Unfortunately, we've seen all this before. Running through the shtick yet again isn't really suspenseful. It's ho-hum.

It's well edited; that was the more usual job of director Tom Kennedy, who is neither the 'dumb' comic of 1930s movies nor the game show host. THe only actor I knew was Alan Rachins, and he has a tiny part, and some hair.
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